Saturday, April 19, 2008

Take me out to the Ball Game...

My first trip to a Ball Park - WOW !!!
my mommy shows me a team on TV all the time
that wear pants with blue pinstripes and today I got to go see a game
no, we didn't go to Yankee Stadium
My Grandpa and Grandma
took us all to a Double A game in town
It was a lot of fun,
I only slept through a few innings


Unknown said...

Just wait 'til you can have peanuts or cracker-jack Hannah! :-) What fun!

Grammie said...

Looks like you were in a clubhouse...hope I can do that when I grow up! Mommy and Daddy do so many special things with you! This blog will help you remember how much everyone loves you!

Paul and Barb said...

Hot dogs! Cotton Candy! That is what a ball game is all about Hannah! Oh and as Christa said peanuts and cracker jacks too! That is until you get old enough to appreciate how good looking the players are!

Love great uncle and aunt Paul and Barbara

Unknown said...

Hannah, you do know that this is just the beginning.....mommy loves those Yankees, I wouldn't be surprised if you make it to your first game the minute you can say Jeter....

Hannah said...

mommy thinks i said "Matsui" today - I actually just had gas :)

The Eilenberger's said...

So cool! Looks like you guys had lots of fun. Just think...T-Ball will only be a few years

Torin Lee said...