Wednesday, February 27, 2008

God Made Me

So many pictures to choose from…
This past week I have settled into a little routine. Mornings seem to be when mommay and I spend a lot of time "hanging out" - what better time for mommy to take pictures…
This photo was when we were reading stories - One of my favorites is God Made Me - By: Joanna Bicknell

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Me and My Mom...

Each the morning Mommy and I sit in the nursery together - I'm all ears as we chat about our upcoming day, we sing a few songs and then our day begins. What a joy...

Today we had another "good" trip to the doctor - I continue to gain weight - I'm up to 7lbs. and 4 oz YEAH!! 11 oz gain in one week

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


"Daddy, make a bid" !!
I continue to gain weight - I'm up to 6lbs and 8 oz YEAH!! Per doc we're still doing formula 4 times a day and I enjoy my little treat - I'm a good eater and sleeper as well as enjoy being awake. Each night I enjoy spending time in her swing while Daddy and Mommy eat their dinner together. After dinner I look forward to "play time" with Daddy - I'm already Daddys little girl

Sunday, February 10, 2008

New York is # 1

Tampa or Bust !!!

Go Yanks !

3 days, 4 hr and 3 min
until pitchers and catchers

I'm a Yankee fan already

"Who said I'm not strong"

February 2, 2008

I'm doing VERY well - no need for heat lamps but I did loose more weight - I was down to 5lb 10 oz… so I'm having to supplement 4 times a day with an ounce formula - I had my 3rd docs appointment Thursday and I was back up to 6lbs... YEAH !!

Daddy and Mommy are doing well (just in case you were wondering…) They are adjusting well to a new life in our home


January 28, 2008

Well, Jim and I our incredible proud parents of little Hannah B.

After we had a doctors appointment Jan. 23rd Dr. was concern that Hannah's stomach was the same size as it was 23 days ago so I was induced on the 24th and NOTHING happened - after awhile little Hannah got a bit stressed and they took her out via C-section - I came home on Sunday feeling great…

Today was a busy day with Hannah's first drs appointment - a bit nerve racking because she is a bit jaundice and had to go get blood work - I'm sure this wont be my last set of tears shed because of my little one being poke for a test - But thank God she is at this time fine and does not need to go "tanning" at the hospital under the sun lamps. Keep little Hannah in your thoughts - she is just WAY to young to need a tan :)

Hannah at 2 hours old

heading towards "Labor" day

JANUARY 24, 2008

We dad a doctors appointment this afternoon (jan. 23rd) Doc. was concern that Hannah's stomach is the same size as 23 days ago and that my fluids are low
So… tomorrow I'm being induced at 7:30am