Monday, April 28, 2008

what a beautiful tree...

The other day my mommy took me on a field trip into town to take pictures of me with a magnolia tree which was in full bloom - The tree was so beautiful and very fragrant-
I wasn't much into smiling,
but I'm glad mommy showed me the tree


Mmmusings said...

Look at those cheeks! Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!

Sherry and David said...

I LOVE that first photo...she seems to be part of that gorgeous tree!

Unknown said...

Lovely! My favorite is the last one...that looks like your bashful look Hannah.

The Eilenberger's said...

Before long you will enjoy those flowers and even more will love bringing one to Mommy!

Paul and Barb said...
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Paul and Barb said...

Hannah, you are as beautiful as the blossom!!!

Great Aunt Barb

P.S. I had to delete my first comment as I put an extra m in blossom. I can't have my great niece thinking I can't spell