Tuesday, April 8, 2008

taking an afternoon stroll...

In the afternoons I take a shorter nap so after some playtime my mom takes me for a walk.
It wasn't real cold outside but my Mommy doesn't want me to get sick so she bundles me up...


batgirl said...

You are so PINK, Hannah! And beautiful. Enjoy those walks and your very first spring.

Mary said...

Sghe looks so tiny in the carseat!

Paul and Barb said...

Hannah strolls are the best! Your mom is breaking you in the right way because she enjoys the out-of-doors and so does dad.

Love great aunt Barbara

Shaaron said...

Hello there! This is Shelly and Aaron (shaaron). I LOVE the pictures, someone is a very good photographer! I didn't even know you were expecting, it has obviously been TOO long since we have caught up! Congrats, what a beauty! I know you are proud and you obviously are doing a wonderful job as mom! Love and miss you!!

Unknown said...

I love these expressions Liz. It is wonderful getting out in the spring!!! Alex enjoys spring too Hannah.

Unknown said...

April 8 2008

Oh what fun is is to have a little girl who is all sugar and spice. Hannah your all smiles, Mom and Dad are having a lot of fun with you. deb Farrell

linda said...

that is some serious cuteness!!