Friday, May 15, 2009

A Day with my Mommy

Mommy and I went for a picnic lunch at the park.

After lunch I climbed on the playscape a bit and played with my pink ball in the field.


Mommy said...

I truly enjoyed our time a the park. It was such a joy to watch you explore. When you found the dandelions and blew the petals off your little hand I just smiled ear to ear. It was really fun to also watch you kick you ball all around the field. What joy you bring to me. I LOVE YOU !
X X O O,

Anonymous said...

Hannah - Your mommy loves you so much!

Unknown said...

You are so style'in in those pink camo pants! Sounds like you and mommy had a wonderful time. :-)

daddy said...

I know You Love Mom alot to. You try to be just like mommy.Helping Mom with dishes,trash, and clothes.You are such a blessing!!!!!