Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Joy

waiting for the egg hunt to begin
Pink - I like Pink
I'm finding a lot

WOW !!

"Thank you for bringing me to this egg hunt"

Egg coloring at my Grandpa's and Granma's

(click to view video)

Easter Morning
An Easter surprise from my friends Brendon and Natalie

Gramma B brought me a Tea Set
"Thank you"


Biddy said...

How many different Easter outfits did I just see there?! She’s getting so big! And her parents look awfully proud and happy too!

Smart Mom said...

OMG she is so STINKIN cute! Where did you do the egg hunt?

I love how she got to color eggs.

Theresa Grimm said...

Sure that you don't want another baby? She's so darned cute I think a little brother or sister would be spacial . .

Nancy Signor said...

Luv it!