Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Little School Girl Outfit

"say cheese"

Princess Hannah


daddy said...

You are such a delight. Your laughter is so great. YOU ARE A TOTAL BLESSING!!!!!!!!

Mike said...

...Hallooo :-) :-) :-)

Mike said...

Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood mornig, dear little Princess !

Theresa Grimm said...

Like I keep saying, it's too bad she isn't cute . . .

Biddy Barbee said...

What?! Only one outfit for school?! I know you have a new one for every other day too…you can’t fool me!!! She’s adorable!

Stephanie Lowe said...

Liz- I can't believe how FAST she is growing up just since I met her a few months ago.
I KNOW that you KNOW this- but enjoy every day of her 'littleness'. It goes by sooo fast.
my oldest is graduating 6th grade this month.....he's changing and growing up....this momma is having a hard time grasping that!
love ya