I’m now 4...
Being four brings many responsibilities. I need to wash my own hands, clean up my toys, help sort socks and fold towels. I’ve started going to Pre-School which I really enjoy. I attend dance, swim, and ice skating class once a week. Being outside is still my favorite place to play. Princess dolls have become my favorite toy. I do a lot of 100 piece puzzles and like to build with Legos. My kitty Dora is my pal and my bird Bobby sings a lot.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Snow Day
Look outside! What do we see ? Its snowing my Sweet B... She squeals and screeches with so much delight Oh my Hannah is a precious sight !
Too stinkin cute. But I preferred the crate strapped onto the flat sled. :)
Too stinkin cute. But I preferred the crate strapped onto the flat sled.
You guys have way too much fun! Hannah is getting to experience ALL the seasons in a big and exciting way!
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