Saturday, September 15, 2012

1st Day of Pre-K

I'm really excited to have started school. I go to school 3 days a week.
 I have met a lot of friends. We have music class, gym class and circle time. During circle time we take turns being the calendar helper, flag holder and weather watcher.
I have also started to memorize The Pledge of Allegiance.
I'm real EXCITED to be going to school.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Summer...

What a FUN summer I had.  I went and did so much FUN stuff.
I'll share a lot of pictures so you could see.
Here is a list of some of the fun things I did this summer: Mystic Aquarium, Blueberry picking, Rocky Neck State Park, Waterford Beach, Play dates, Birthday Party, Water Slide, Hair Cut, Frog catching, Water Fun, Camping, Camp with Pa & Mamie, Swimming, More Swimming, science experiments, Maine,
Lake Pemaquid, Sprinkler fun, Friends,
Even More Swimming, New Hampshire, and cooking.